WholeMovement is a coterie of the Movement Analysts Laura Cox, Esther Geiger, Cat Maguire, Karen Studd and Alexandra Baybutt who work together to promote the Laban/Bartenieff Movement System (LBMS) globally.

Together, they have built a practice that optimizes human movement through a variety of applications of the System and developed a philosophy that values and contributes to the ongoing development of the theory, practice, and curriculum of LBMS.

WholeMovement offers workshops, trainings, and individual sessions geared toward harmonizing our lived experience. For more about our ISMETA Approved Training Programs, see Events.

You can currently find us coordinating and teaching on programs in Italy, Israel, and China.

It is with deep sorrow that we share the news of Laura Cox’s death (Feb 4, 2025).

Upcoming Events

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What We Do

WholeMovement offers workshops, trainings, and individual sessions geared toward harmonizing our lived experience.

Offerings include, but are not limited to:

ISMETA Approved Movement Analysis training in the Laban/Bartenieff Movement System (LBMS)

– Continuing education for Movement Analysts in-person and online

– Furthering LBMS curriculum development and supporting other organizations in developing movement curriculum

– Supporting individuals to optimize their movement patterns and research practice in their field of application

– Community and team building for groups through guided movement experience

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Who We Are

Laura Cox photo
Laura Cox
Karen Studd photo
Karen A. Studd
Esther Geiger photo
Esther Geiger
Catherine (Cat) Maguire
Alexandra (Ali) Baybutt


  • Sharing our sorrow: Laura Cox has died
    With deep sadness, we share the news of our colleague Laura Cox’s death (Feb 4, 2025).  Laura was one of the original founders of WholeMovement.  A complex, multifaceted person interacting in the world in many capacities, Laura was a dancer, a movement educator, LBMS practitioner, Registered Somatic Movement Educator/Therapist (ISMETA), animal lover and an avid
  • Updating our Testimonials page in 2025
    It doesn’t matter how long ago or how recently! WholeMovement would be grateful for your feedback about our work. As a thank you, we will email you the latest updated LBMS Taxonomy. By submitting your information, you’re giving us permission to use your Testimonial on our website, in social media and any other communications, and
  • The Motif of LBMS: EUROLAB conference presentation
    Karen, Cat and Ali presented online in EUROLAB’s conference, 2024. Thank you, EUROLAB! Above: EUROLAB conference co-organizer Rajyashree Ramesh chairing questions following our presentation. In WM we have been exploring the development, shaping and sharing of the Laban/Bartenieff Movement System (LBMS) Motif. We see Motif is a tool, a practice and a creative process as
  • More About Space in LBMS
    Updating Laban’s Map of Space: further development of the LBMS Space Component   Expanding human knowledge and understanding is based in the process of analysis/synthesis.  Analysis is based on a process of differentiation leading to development. This occurs at both macro and micro levels of understanding. And is illustrated in the “zooming out”, expanding awareness
  • LBMS: System vs Studies
    Making the case for designation of the Laban/Bartenieff Movement SYSTEM When I first proposed using the designation of “system” in the label and resulting acronym of LBMS over a decade ago, I encountered an amazing amount of resistance. To a certain extent this came from my arguing that Bartenieff be equally represented, rather than viewed
  • WholeMovement and ISMETA
    Since 2024 WholeMovement programs internationally are ISMETA-Approved Training Programs! WholeMovement programs in movement analysis and somatic studies are now recognised and approved training programs through ISMETA, the International Somatic Movement Educator and Therapy Association. This means our students and graduates join an international community of practitioners adhering to the codes and standards collectively established by
  • New Publication with MIT Press!
    Making Meaning with Machines: Somatic Strategies, Choreographic Technologies and Notational Abstractions through a Laban/Bartenieff lens (Oct 2023) Amy LaViers and Cat Maguire (WholeMovement) are published with MIT Press! The book is supported by digital resources at makingmeaningwithmachines.com as well as being open source at mitpress.mit.edu under Making Meaning with Machines. MIT Press describes the book: A rigorous primer in
  • The Foundations of the Shape Component linked to Developmental Progression
    Shape defined – In LBMS Shape is defined as the Body’s changing form in relationship to itself and the environment. The Shape Movement Component is the bridge connecting our Body to the Space. This development can be linked to the development of recognition of Self and Other, as our Body is the basis of Self,
  • Phrasing is a foundational Pattern
    Phrasing is key to movement – All movement is change. From simple to complex, changes in body position, location in space, muscle tension, focus (etcetera) create the patterns of our actions. Understanding movement is through the process of recognising and interpreting the patterns. Phrases are containers . They hold the content of intention. They allow
  • More about Time
    K. Studd Nov. 2021 This post is in response to questions I often encounter about where Time fits into the LBMS structure.  And also, to what I have recently been thinking about and exploring in relation to this inquiry with several classes. Flow – Breath – Time: The Action ofBreath – a foundational experience that

alexandra baybutt amy laviers axis of length bartenieff bartenieff fundamentals BESS BF breath catherine maguire cat maguire choreography conference creative pedagogy dynamic alignment engineering esther geiger flow flowsensing Function/expression human-machine interaction human movement ISMETA Karen Studd laban laban bartenieff movement system laura cox LBMS MIT Press Motif movement analysis movement observation movement patterns movement principles nonverbal communication pandemic robotics science Shape category somatic movement education somatic studies space harmony symbols time weightsensing wholemovement


WholeMovement strives to connect with and offer resources to the movement and somatic communities and beyond. The LBMS work is far-reaching, and both informs and is informed by every facet of our lived experiences.

If you or your organization would like to connect with us or be a part of our community of offerings, please do not hesitate to contact us.

You can contact WholeMovement by email at info@wholemovement.org or complete the form below.

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